You must at least post one photo to be accepted as a member .Your main photo or video must be of you and no one else.
VIP members are required to post a video of maximum 20 seconds
Avoid small photos. Your photo should be at least 250 x 250 pixels (a small image will cause the photo to look fuzzy)
When scanning your photo, please cut the empty areas around – this way your photo will seem larger, and the file size will be smaller
The file size of your photo cannot exceed 10 MB
Your main photo has to be distinct and recent; (if necessary, use the Crop tool when uploading);
All photos should be in JPEG, JPG, GIF or PNG formats
If the photo or drawing is blurry, suggestive, contains your contact information, or contains
copyrighted materials, we will reject it;
If you have trouble uploading, resizing, or editing your photos, you can mail or email your photos to us.