According to statistics about online dating websites, most users and single members in these platforms belong to a youth group approximately ranging between 20 and 30 years of age. However, there is also a significant number of older people, and their presence is gradually increasing.
Although those who consider themselves practicing Christians believe that love and marriage are forever and that families must remain united, there are many circumstances that can lead a Christian to be alone against his or her will. Single women and men of an elder age and other individuals without partners (eg. widowed, divorced, etc.) have started exploring the possibilities provided by dating websites on the Internet in order to search for a compatible date, and this is good news.
If you fall into this group and are still considering whether joining a Christian dating site would suit your needs, or you have already joined but are not getting the expected results, here are a few tips that could be of interest to you. The most obvious advice tells that initiative and proactivity bring rewards: assuming an active role in online love search is the main factor that will boost the achievement of results.
Both these initiative and proactivity should go further than being concerned about displaying a truthful, complete, attractive, and interesting profile, or browsing possible candidates’ profiles. To sit back and wait is not enough, you ought to move! You should realize that you belong to a relative minority group due to your age and, for cultural reasons, you have some disadvantages in the dating arena, compared to younger singles. Of course, those reasons and disadvantages are more than arguable, but that should not stop us from acknowledging their influence.
Some facts from dating websites like Datetomarry.com to consider: older single men seem to be more interested in dating younger women, and young single men have little interest in dating women older than them. This initially cuts back older women's chances to get a date, but it also impacts on men's chances in the end we could say that all men want to eat the same apple, and so they end up feeling hungry before a basketful of them.
Single gentlemen should take into consideration that "not so young" single women usually declare higher degrees of self-sufficiency, self-confidence, and adaptation as relative to younger women, and these are hugely positive values for a partner. If they are concerned about the possibility of having children well, between 30 and 40 it is perfectly feasible; otherwise, they could always weigh up other ways to responsible parenthood for a Christian, eg. adoption.
Consequently, the ideal attitude involves active interest and search: to examine profiles, to send "winks" and messages, to weigh up results, to take decisions. Your likelihood to find the perfect single woman (or man) will increase if you are more flexible with age issues, as mentioned above. And finally, a tip for mature and not-so-young singles to avoid an own goal: in general, pictures with flash make us look several years older!